By adopting a high-quality and multidisciplinary approach Orthopedie Roeselare has evolved to become a leading orthopaedic service with an impressive reputation. The service is able to offer all orthopaedic sub-specialities. Each patient is guaranteed an exact diagnosis and customised treatment plan. There is close cooperation with the physiotherapy and rehabilitation department for the orthopaedic treatments. The surgeons have extensive experience and the operations are highly refined due to super-specialisation. Continuous training linked to a busy practice ensures state-of-the-art treatment. The use of validated standard procedures in the operating theatre reduces risks. Rehabilitation and aftercare takes place in association with your general practitioner, rehabilitation physician and physiotherapist. Quality is monitored using parameters and PROMs. Our aim is to provide excellent care each and every day. Our ambition is to continue to be pioneering in Flanders and Europe by constantly striving for these values and increasingly focusing on quality, an open multidisciplinary approach and research.